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afUrsin, Anne. 1996. Suomen rahoitusmarkkinoiden kehitysnäkymiä 1990-luvulla. Raportteja ja artikkeleita n:o 145, 130 s. ISBN 951-8950-60-1, ISSN 0357-7384. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä osassa selvitetään, miksi ruotsalaispankit toipuivat kriisistään nopeammin kuin suomalaiset pankit. Toisessa osassa tarkastellaan lähemmin Suomen rahoitusmarkkinoiden erityispiirteitä sekä kartoitetaan eri suunnilta pankkikeskeisille rahoitusmarkkinoille kohdistuvia muutospaineita ja Suomen rahoitusmarkkinoiden rakennemuutosta.af Ursin1 Anne. 1996. Developments in the Finnish Financial Markets in the 1990's. Reports and Discussion Papers no. 145, 130 s. (Pellervo Economic Research Institute, Eerikinkatu 28 A, 00180 Helsinki, Finland ISBN 951-895060-1, ISSN 0357-7384) ABSTRACT. The main objective of the first part of the study is to find out why the Swedish banks recovered from the banking crisis earlier and, as it seems, with considerably less damage than their Finnish colleagues. The analysis is based on the financial statements of Finnish and Swedish banks from the late 1980's to the mid 1990's. We describe the competitive conditions and prizing within the Finnish and Swedish banking sectors as well as the overall nature of competition in the financial markets. Thanks to rather brisk demand for bankcredits and, most of all, due to early deregulation of the deposits and the somewhat richer competitive structure of the financial markets, the Swedish banks outperformed the Finnish banks. As competition in banking is soon bound to become keener also in Finland, banks must change their prizing dimentions and reduce cross-subsidizing different products. In the second part of the study the structural changes in the Finnish financial markets are examined in more detail. One essential feature of the process is that many bank customers will be seeking new options and opportunities in their ways of managing their own financies. As a result demand for banks traditional products are in decline. On the other hand, also many banks seem to be turning into investment banks instead of sticking to their traditional business. Key words: Financial markets, banks, banking crisis, profitability, structural change