135. A Timber Market Model with Bounded Rationality, Imperfect Capital Market and Lagged Price Adjustment

Mykkänen, Reijo. 1995. A Timber Market Model with Bounded Rationality, Imperfect Capital Market and Lagged Price Adjustment. Raportteja ja artikkeleita N:o 135. ISBN 951-8950-49-0, ISSN 0357-7384. Tutkimuksessa esitellään kahden periodin puumarkkinamalli, jonka perusoletuksia ovat rajoitettu rationaalisuus, epätäydelliset pääomamarkkinat ja viiveellinen hintojen sopeutuminen.Mykkänen, Reijo. 1995. A Timber Market Model with Bounded Rationality, Imperfect Capital Market and Lagged Price Adjustment. Working Papers 135. ISBN 951-8950-49-0, ISSN 0357-7384. The study presents a two-period timber market model with assunptions of bounded rationality, imperfect capital market and laagged price adjustment.