About us

Who are we?

Pellervo economic research PTT is an applied economics research institute. Our mission is to support Finnish decision-making by providing reliable research about the economy and its developments. Our strong fields of expertise are national economy, regional economy, agricultural and food economy, forestry and environmental economy and housing markets.

Currently one of our most important research themes is the climate change and its effects on the economy. We are also one of the leading Finnish research institutes applying the tools of behavioural economics.

Yearly, we publish dozens of research reports, policy briefs, economic forecasts and other publications for Finnish ministries, the prime minister’s office, cities and municipalities, and other organizations. We work in constant cooperation with other research institutes, universities, private companies and public officials. We strictly adhere to the ethical standards of scientific practice. Our economists and researchers are respected experts of their field, and they are regular commentators of economic topics for the news media, parliamentary committees and different stakeholders.

Our mission is to support Finnish decision-making by providing reliable research about the economy and its developments.

Our goal: advancing national well-being and prosperity

PTT has personnel of over 30 professionals of economics. Together we constitute a unique and versatile research hub, whose mission is to advance the well-being and prosperity of Finland and its people, and ensure the balanced and just development of the Finnish economy.

We were established in 1979 as a nonprofit organization. Our membership consists of companies, cooperatives and other organizations, many of whom have strong connections to forestry or agriculture. To our members we are a trusted partner, providing them with useful research and expert services.

Our members

  • A-Tuottajat Oy
  • LSO Osuuskunta
  • LähiTapiola
  • Maa- ja metsätaloustuottajain Keskusliitto MTK ry
  • Maatalousyrittäjien eläkelaitos MELA
  • Metsäliitto Osuuskunta
  • OP osk
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Osuustoimintakeskus Pellervo ry
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​POP Pankkikeskus Osk
  • ​​​​​​​Svenska Lantbruksproducenternas Centralförbund SLC r.f.

PTT board members

  • Juha Marttila, MTK
  • Pekka Antikainen, LähiTapiola
  • Reijo Heiskanen, OP Group
  • Heli Backman, Mela
  • Mari Kokko, Osuustoimintakeskus Pellervo
  • Juha Jumppanen, Metsä Group
  • Ahti Ritola, Itikka Osuuskunta

PTT Strategy 2023-2026

Our new strategy underlines the importance of reliable research in times of international uncertainty and crisis. The strategy is available in Finnish only.

Read the strategy here (pdf)